Friday 14 October 2011

Wall St. Protesters Arrested; Park Closing Postponed

New York police said they arrested 14 anti-Wall Street protesters in lower Manhattan following a decision earlier today to postpone the closure of Zuccotti Park, the site of demonstrations against the financial industry.

Protesters arrested included those who stood or sat down in the street, New York City Police Department spokesman Paul Browne said in an e-mail. Others taken into custody included individuals who allegedly overturned trash baskets or hurled bottles, Browne said. At least one demonstrator was detained after he allegedly knocked over a police scooter.

The arrests took place in the vicinity of Broadway and Exchange Place, in lower Manhattan. They came after a decision earlier today to keep Zuccotti Park, near Liberty Street and Broadway, open rather than close it for cleaning.

The postponement averted a confrontation there between demonstrators, who had gathered in greater numbers overnight, and police who threatened to remove tents and sleeping bags.

As protesters filed out of the park and marched on lower Manhattan streets, across the Brooklyn Bridge more than 30 police cruisers and 50 officers gathered near the federal courthouse at the span’s eastern end.
A march Oct. 1 onto the bridge by protesters resulted in hundreds of arrests. Protesters arrested in the march sued New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly for allegedly violating their constitutional rights.


Five of the protesters, seeking to represent about 700 people arrested, filed a civil rights complaint Oct. 4 in Manhattan federal court. They claimed officers from the New York City Police Department lured them onto the bridge’s roadway to trap and arrest them.

read more: Olympus Wealth Management

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